Alumni of CFD lab. are listed below. They are all active in either industry or academic areas.
Last Updated: Aug 28 2014
Yang, Hung-Ling (楊虹凌) |
M.S. 2007, Topic: Numerical Simulation of Fluid-
structure Interaction Between Vibrating Microstructure and Thin Rarefied Gas Film Using DSMC. |
E-mail: linda00000@hotmail.com |
Shaw, Chi-Wei (卲繼緯) |
M.S. 2007, Topic: Numerical Analysis of Flow Patterns in Healthy and Atherosclerotic Left Coronary Arteries. |
E-mail: a58704217@hotmail.com |
Chiou, Yu-Wen (邱鈺雯) |
M.S. 2008. Topic: Numerical Simulations of Respiratory Phenomena in Bifurcated Lung Artificial Airways and Real Airways Under Gravity Effect. |
E-mail: M9503305@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Huang, Shin-Shan (黃興上) |
M.S. 2008. Topic: Numerical Analysis of Flow Patterns in Trifurcate Left Coronary Arteries. |
E-mail: as43go@yahoo.com.tw |
Lee, Chi-Yeh (李奇曄) |
M.S. 2008. Topic: Numerical Assessment of Robustness for Conventional and Push-Pull Fume Hoods. |
E-mail: b.g.lee@yahoo.com.tw |
Chern, Kau-Jin (陳國欽) |
M.S. 2008. Topic: Numerical Study on Displacement Ventilation of Tow Connected Rooms in Connection with an Ambient Environment. |
E-mail: skywalkersos@hotmail.com. |
Hsiao, Yu-Hsiung (蕭宇翔) |
M.S. 2009. Topic: Numerical study on wall shear stress and Calcium ion distribution of left coronary arteries with atherosclerosis |
E-mail:jki19840304@gmail.com |
Dedy Zulhidayat Noor (朱諾迪) |
Ph.D. 2010, Topic: Study of applications of immersed boundary method on fluid-structure interaction problems |
E-mail: D9503802@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Lau, Ya-Lin (劉亞琳) |
M.S. 2010. Topic: Numerical study on wall shear stress and Calcium ion distribution of left coronary arteries |
E-mail: doudoulau@gmail.com |
Farida Rahmawafi Purnadiana (費莉達) |
M.S. 2010. Topic: Study on flow past two rotating cylinders using immersed boundary method |
E-mail: farida_its@yahoo.com |
Tel: (886)-2-2737-6496
Fax: (886)-2-2737-6460
E-mail: mjchern@mail.ntust.edu.tw